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"The Importance of Social Connection for Patients and Providers in 2023: Updates and Ways Forward"

Plenary Session 2

학습목표(Learning Objectives) :

1. Explore the evidence that social connection impacts chronic disease.

2. Identify different types of social connections that can improve health.

3. Explore concrete steps to cultivate high quality connections.


Dr. Beth Frates

Beth Frates, MD is a trained physiatrist and a health and wellness coach, with expertise in board-certified Lifestyle Medicine. She has received several teaching accolades from Harvard Extension School and Harvard Medical School, where she is an assistant clinical professor.

Dr. Frates is a pioneer in lifestyle medicine. In 2008, Dr. Frates created the first Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group at Harvard Medical School. In 2014, she developed and taught a college Lifestyle Medicine curriculum at the Harvard Extension School, and it is still one of the most well-received courses offered at the school.

Dr. Frates serves as President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Frates co-authored The Lifestyle Medicine Handbook: An Introduction to the Power of Healthy Habits, which was ranked in the top 20 by Book Authority for medical books released in 2018.

In addition, Dr. Frates co-authored The Teen Lifestyle Medicine Handbook, published in 2020, and In September of 2023, she co-authored The Lifestyle Medicine Pocket Guide

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